Windows 7+8+UBunto For Andriod
Windows 7+8+UBunto For Andriod
>No other application required >quicker interface. >task bar >start menu >widgets page >desktop >>The task bar includes the main features of your device; >the start button >the browser >messaging >dialer >launcher >>The launcher gives you a list of all installed applications and allows you to pick one to run. >>The start menu allows you to get quick access to: >Market, >pictures, >music, >contacts, >email, >social networking, |
Required Android O/S :
Ubuntu Installer for Android
>1GHZ processoer (recommended)
>Android 2.0 or higher
>Most stock ROMS will work (No guarantee for custom ROMS)
>SD card with at least 4GB of free space
>Data connection on your device
This is a fully customized Ubuntu 10.10 image themed and optimized for mobile devices. This will allow you to run a full Ubuntu system inside, or for a lack of better terms along side your existing Android install (!!!You can still make calls, text, and use android without having to reboot your phone!!!). |
>Ability to install a full operating system on your phone >Unity 2d (lightweight gnome) >Working update manager >Working software center >Open Office >Firefox >Working BitTorrent app >756MB-1.3 GB free space in virtual drive after install >Ability to access files on your SD card from Ubuntu >Ability to have a full Ubuntu desktop side by side with >Android |
Required Android O/S : 2.1+ ROOT REQUIRED
Download : 21Mb APK
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