PDF-XChange Viewer PRO 2.5.206 + License Key

PDF-XChange Viewer PRO 2.5.206 Incl License Key
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PDF-XChange Viewer PRO 2.5.206 Full Version - Merupakan software alternatif pengolah file PDF yang berukuran lumayan kecil namun memiliki segudang fitur serta kemampuan. PDF-XChange Viewer PRO 2.5.206 full versi memungkinkan anda untuk dapat membaca serta mengedit isi dari file PDF, software ini juga sangat cepat serta tidak memakan banyak resource dan hal ini tentu sangat menggembirakan pengguna pc spek rendah karena PDF-XChange Viewer PRO tidak seperti software sejenis yang rakus dalam memakai memory.

Opportunities PDF-XChange Viewer
- Included OCR option - OCR image open / scanned PDF, to make full text PDF files!
- Add Comments and Annotations to any PDF file (subject to security settings) - unlike the Adobe Viewer, which requires documents to be created and "certified" PDF tool from Adobe!
- Add and use of stamps from any image or PDF file and even from Windows Clip!
- Tools to measure distance, perimeter and area
- Laying out pages with text and objects on a grid
- Add / Edit / Move Bookmarks
- Direct printing text on any page of the PDF file, not only in the form of documents Adobe.
- Export PDF-pages or entire files to any of the supported image formats including BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and many more ...
- Easy navigation of large or complex PDF files with a simple and enjoyable extended functionality tool box "Zoom" and "Panorama".
- Support for viewing encrypted PDF files and add / change, including passwords and permissions shifrovaniyae 40/128-bit RC4 and 128/256-bit AES.
- Data Execution Prevention (DEP) - stops the infamous script viruses / trojans, etc.
- (NEW in v2.5!) - Complete and save forms Adobe to disk, or send an e-mail - including XFA and dynamic forms!
- Fully supports javascript.
- Save / restore the last opened files (last session)
- Updated support for compression of JPEG2000 - a speed boost.
- Plug-Ins for MS IE browser and Firefox (included for ustanavlivaeioy version)
- Integrates with your favorite translation software to translate text on the 'fly' - including: ABBYY Lingvo 12, Translate It!, Lingoes.
- Automatic filling of the main fillable form fields
- Built-in Shell Extensions for PDF thumbnails and preview the document in Windows Explorer
- Search for documents. Probably the fastest search engine for PDF documents now!
- Setting the default PDF viewer
- IFilter Fast Search (quick search filter)! Trackers super fast IFilter comes free with all PDF-XChange Viewer, retrieves and searches for the text on the pages in the document information (title, author, subject, etc.) in the comments and bookmarks, etc. - Faster than any competing product available IFilter!
- Support for Adobe ? Porfolios ?
- Includes comprehensive Help file and PDF Manual - (only in the version).
- Support for PDF file attachments (portfolio)
- Setting the default Prommotr / Import / Export
- Sending a PDF file by e-mails from
- UI
- Undo / Redo functionality of a text editor
- Portable version also available - can be run from any suitable device such as a Memory Stick / CD / DVD, etc. - Simply unzip and use - no installation required!
- Compatible with Windows 2000 and above (32/64 bit)
Link download
Mirror via Sharebeast
Mirror via TusFiles
Link password: koskomputer
1. Ekstrak
2. Install PDF-XChange lalu jalankan programnya
3. Gunakan license key untuk aktivasi full versi
4. Enjoy
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